Family Residence Visa Qatar Latest News
All residents of the State of Qatar can submit an application to obtain family residency for the wife and children through the Ministry of Interior’s website or through the metrash application, in accordance with the conditions and controls announced for obtaining approval for family residency.
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Family Residence Visa Qatar Latest News
Below you can find out the most important and latest news about family residency in Qatar:
- Resident government and semi-government sector employees who wish to bring their families must provide family housing allocated by the employer or a salary of no less than 10,000 Qatari riyals documented in an employment contract.
- The profession of private sector employees must be residents of technical and specialized professions, and the employee’s salary must not be less than 10,000 Qatari riyals or 6,000 Qatari riyals, with family housing from the employer documented in the employment contract.
- The age of the son to be recruited must not exceed 25 years.
- The daughter must not be married.
- Providing health insurance that covers the duration of stay, effective from the date of entry into the country.
- Register children in licensed schools or provide evidence of the continuation of their education outside the country.
Family Residence Visa in Qatar Conditions
Below you can find out the conditions for family residency in Qatar:
- The resident has a valid work residence permit.
- The employee has family housing or a family housing allowance.
- Provide proof of profession under a notarized employment contract and a copy of the qualification.
- Submit a certified marriage contract.
- Provide proof of salary, whether in the public or private sector.
- Recruited children between the ages of 6 and 18 must be registered in licensed schools within the country or attach proof of their enrollment in education outside the country through the education platform.
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Family Residency in Qatar Requirements
Below you can find out the requirements for family residency in Qatar:
- A copy of the resident’s residence permit.
- A copy of the marriage contract and children’s birth certificates.
- A copy of the employment contract stating the profession and salary.
- Certificate of good conduct and conduct.
- Valid health insurance.
- Medical examination certificate.
Residents have the right to bring their families to reside with them in the State of Qatar after submitting a family residency application, if the conditions and requirements for obtaining family residency are met.
Questions & Answers
Is family visit now open in Qatar?
Yes, family visits are open and can be applied for through the Ministry of Interior website or through the Metrash 2 application.
How long does it take to approve a family visit to Qatar?
Approval of a family visit request to Qatar takes approximately four weeks maximum.
Can a family visit visa be extended to Qatar?
Yes, the family visit visa to Qatar can be extended by submitting an extension request through the Ministry of Interior website or through the Metrash 2 application.
Can a Haya visa be converted into a work residence permit?
No, the Haya visa cannot be converted into a work residence permit.
What is the salary required to sponsor a family in Qatar?
The salary required to sponsor a family in Qatar is 10,000 Qatari riyals for workers in the government sector, 10,000 Qatari riyals for workers in the private sector, or 6,000 Qatari riyals for workers in the private sector with labor housing.